Monday, 27 February 2017

Pradeep Walia Wants to Use His Business Skills to Help

Pradeep Kumar Walia has always shown a keen ability to come out of adversity better than he went in and he would love to help others to do the same. Even with his demonstrated ability to understand business and make money, he has always derived the most happiness from helping others. Despite the ups and downs he’s experienced, he is always tried to focus on helping those less fortunate, even at his lowest points. If he had no money, he would give his time. For example, he helped Mother Teresa’s orphans at one time and another time, he handed out blankets to protect people from the cold,

Over the last few years, Pradeep Walia has developed a singular focus on developing a style of philanthropy that uses an entrepreneurial structure to make it more efficient and effective. Through the Pradeep Walia Foundation, for example, he has helped to launch several NGOs in India, such as Jimba, that help the poor prosper within the capitalist system. He is also trying to bring high quality health care to underserved areas of India, Africa and even rural areas of the United States.